Video Gallery of Poets
in Southern California
Video Gallery of Poets
in Southern California
Alicia Partnoy
Alicia Partnoy
Writers Resist LA 2019
Beyond Baroque Literary/Arts Center
Venice, CA
Alicia Partnoy ~ PoetryLA Interview Series
PLA Studio
Nov., 2012
Alicia Partnoy, university student and poet during Argentina's "dirty war" of the 1970s, was one of thousands of "disappeared" sent to detention camps by the military dictatorship. During three years of imprisonment, she was tortured and many of her friends were killed. Expelled from Argentina in 1979, she came to the United States as a political refugee. Her first book, The Little School: Tales of Disappearance and Survival (Cleis Press, 1986) is her "tribute to a generation of Argentines lost in an attempt to bring social change and justice." Her poetry collections include Flowering Fires (Settlement House, 2015), Little Low Flying (Red Hen Press, 2005) and Revenge of the Apple (Cleis Press,  1992). Partnoy edited the anthology You Can't Drown the Fire: Latin American Women Writing in Exile (Cleis Press, 1988). She currently teaches Spanish and literature at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles.
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