Video Gallery of Poets
in Southern California
Amy Shimshon-Santo
Amy Shimshon-Santo
Poetry.LA Interview
Poetry.LA Studio
Santa Monica
Amy Shimshon-Santo has authored three collections, Random Experiments in Bioluminescence (FlowerSong Press, 2024), Catastrophic Molting (FlowerSong Press, 2022), and Even the Milky Way is Undocumented (Unsolicited Press, 2020). In her interdisciplinary work she connects the arts, education, and urban planning. Shimshon-Santo has been a guest artist with UNESCO in Mexico, UNEB in Brazil, the PaGya! Literary Festival in Ghana, and the Lagos International Poetry Festival in Nigeria. She has performed and/or taught throughout the U.S., Latin America, West Africa, and Singapore. Her work has been published by UC Press, SAGE, and SUNY Press, among others. She has been nominated for an Emmy Award, three Pushcart Prizes, and was a finalist for the Nightboat Book Poetry Prize. She has a Ph.D. in Urban Planning from UCLA, an M.F.A. in Creative Writing from Antioch, and a B.A. in Latin Studies from UC Santa Cruz.

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