Video Gallery of Poets
in Southern California
Video Gallery of Poets
in Southern California
Diane Marie Delgado
Diana Marie Delgado
Diana Marie Delgado is the author of Tracing the Horse (New Poets of America Book 43, BOA Editions Ltd., 2019), a New York Times "Noteworthy Pick" collection that follows the coming-of-age of a young Mexican-American woman trying to make sense of who she is amidst a family and community weighted by violence and addiction. Her chapbook, Late-Night Talks with Men I Think I Trust, was the 2018 Center for Book Arts winner. Her poetry has appeared in Ploughshares, Ninth Letter, New York Times Magazine, Colorado Review and Tin House. Also a playwright, Delgado is the Literary Director of the Univ. of Arizona Poetry Center and has more than twenty years of experience working in not-for-profits focused on advancing social justice and the arts. Her selected honors and awards include grants from the National Endowment for the Arts, Breadloaf Writers' Conference, and Hedgebrook.

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