Video Gallery of Poets
in Southern California
Video Gallery of Poets
in Southern California
Suzanne Lummis
Suzanne Lummis
Valley Contemporary Poets
Tarzana, CA
Luvina magazine reading
hosted by La Palabra
Studio 50, Highland Park
Los Angeles, CA
Poetry.LA Interview Series
Poetry.LA Studio
Playlist for her poem noir
series, They Write by Night
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Suzanne Lummis, a noted practitioner and exponent of noir poetry, was awarded a 2019 City of Los Angeles (C.O.L.A.) grant to create a new work of poetry for the city. Her latest collection is "Open 24 Hours" (Lynx House Press, 2014). She is a popular poetry teacher and director of the Los Angeles Poetry Festival which she founded with Sherman Pearl in 1989. She hosts the Poetry.LA poem noir series, "They Write by Night".