Video Gallery of Poets
in Southern California
Video Gallery of Poets
in Southern California
Tanya Ko Hong
Tanya (Hyonhye) Ko Hong
Poetry.LA Interview Series
Poetry.LA Studio
"They Write by Night"
Season 1, Episode 4
Tanya (Hyonhye) Ko Hong, a bilingual Korean-American poet and translator, is the author of four poetry collections: The War Still Within: Poems of the Korean Diaspora (KYSO Flash Press, 2019), written primarily in English; Mother to Myself (Prunsasang Press, 2015) in Korean; Yellow Flowers on a Rainy Day (Oma Books of the Pacific, 2003) in English; and Generation One Point Five (Esprit Books, 1993) in Korean with English translations. Weaving together two cultures, her poetry gives voice to multiple generations of Korean and Korean-American women. Her poems have been translated into Korean, Japanese, Bosnian and Albanian. Her collection, The War Still Within, includes poems based on the experiences of the Korean "comfort women" who were forced into sexual slavery by the Japanese Army during World War II. It received the Yun Doon-ju Korean-American Literature Award. Tanya has organized dozens of multicultural literary events in Southern California, and has been a columnist for the Korea Daily since 1998.
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